Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common gynaecological disease related to endocrine imbalance with unknown reasons. Women with PCOS generally have higher levels of testosterone.

Women with PCOS have more immature eggs in ovaries. These tiny, immature eggs accumulate in ovaries and form pearl-like strings, thus making the ovaries swell and enlarge in size, finally causing menstrual cycle and bleeding abnormal. At the same time, women's ovaries would continue to secrete more testosterone, which results in hormonal imbalance. Some common symptoms include

  •  Infrequence or no periods
  •  Excessive hair growth
  •  Acne
  •  Darkening of skin
  •  Weight gain
  •  Enlarged ovary/ovary with more than 12 immature eggs as detected by ultrasound

Due to underdevelopment of eggs and abnormal ovulation, PCOS patients have lower chance in getting pregnant. While some patients might even suffer from infertility, some might develop endometrial hyperplasia or even cancer.