Perineum problems

Vagina produces a translucent, odorless, sticky and protein-like secretion called "leucorrhea" which mainly plays an antibacterial role to protect and clean the vagina. Secretion of leucorrhea might be increased during pregnancy, before and after menstruation or during sexual arousal.

There might be vaginal infection if

Abnormal secretion

  •  Increased amount of secretion
  •  Color change (gray, yellow, or green, or bean curd state)
  •  Presence of blood streaks
  •  Bad smell (fishy or foul)

Perineum discomfort

  •  Itchiness
  •  Burning pain in the vagina or vulva
  •  Frequent urination with tingling sensation
  •  Wounds, swelling, skin tags, blisters etc., in perineum area

If you have the above symptoms, it may be caused by the abnormal proliferation of Candida. You should seek medical advice as soon as possible and receive detailed examination.

Common perineum disorders

Vaginal infection

Vaginitis is one of the common gynaecological diseases that might affect women of any age. Vaginitis is mostly caused by candida.

Candida vaginitis

Candida is a microorganism that normally exists in vagina. When physical condition of individual or environment in vagina changes, such as pregnancy, diabetes, use of antibiotics, chronic illnesses and frequent wear of tight or impermeable clothing, amount of candida could be reproduced in large numbers and cause vaginal infection. Symptoms include

  •  Itchiness, soreness or redness and swelling of vulva
  •  White viscous discharge from the vagina or in the state of bean curd residue
  •  Pain during sexual intercourse

If you are not sure whether you are infected with candida, you can go to the clinic for a simple gynecological examination. Doctors usually take a discharge and examine it for candida or other bacterial infections. In addition, there are many different types of candidal vaginitis. Patients should not take medicines by themselves. They need to undergo detailed examinations and seek professional medical advice.

Bartholin's gland cyst

Bartholin's glands function to secrete viscous fluid to reduce friction during sexual intercourse. Once the Bartholin gland is infected, inflamed and clogged so that the mucus cannot be discharged, the secretion will accumulate and form a Bartholin gland cyst.

Bartholin's gland cysts are usually caused by hygiene problems, such as sexual intercourse, wearing of tight pants, soiled underwear or bacterial infections due to insufficient proper cleaning. In some cases, cysts might also be caused by high viscosity of mucus or congenital duct narrowing that obstruct the secretion.

The cysts might continue to grow with time and become abscess. Women's vulva would experience redness, swelling, pain and burning sensation, which could cause urinary retention in severe cases. When an abscess appears, surgery would be required.

For timely treatment, women who have signs of abnormal leucorrhea, genital itchiness, pain or discomfort should seek medical attention from gynaecologists as soon as possible.

Zenith Medical Centre provides a range of gynecological services, including gynecological examinations and gynecological surgeries. If you are worried about endometriosis or chocolate tumor, you are welcome to contact our medical team so that you can get appropriate treatment as soon as possible.